We proudly maintain…
- Tewksbury Town Common gardens including
- War Memorial
- Blue Star Memorial
- Gazebo
- “Water” Sculpture
- Digital Signage
- Native Plant Landscape at Town Hall Annex
- Pollinator Garden at Muster Park (next to South Fire Station)
- Nancy Kennedy Memorial Daylily Garden at Tewksbury Public Library

We plant containers at…
- Town Hall – Front Doors & Main Entrance
- Town Hall Annex
- Tewksbury Public Library

We support our neighbors…
- Arbor Day Program
- Garden Therapy – Bayberry at Emerald Court
- Garden Therapy – Blair House Assisted Living Residence
- GROW Greenhouses
- MASS Agriculture in the Classroom
- New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill
- Pennies for Pines
- Scholarships (Community and Lottery)
- Tewksbury Community Pantry
- Tewksbury Public Library, including Literary Blooms each month